Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Sometimes I get tired of showering in a bucket.  Yes, I have running times.  But instead of trying to figure out the Honduran water supply it's easier to just keep the bucket filled in the shower.  I also don't have a shower head, so as annoying as a bucket bathing is, I guess it's more productive than a stream of water coming out of a pipe.  The problem with bucket bathing isn't really the inconvenience of's the lack of warm water that really makes me dread bathing.  When it's hot, I suppose cold water is welcome, however the sun hasn't shined here in about a week and it's been chilly (about 70) and before all of you from the North start getting on me about how 70 is not chilly...try dumping a bucket of cold water on yourself.

Now, after re-reading what I just typed, I want you all to know...I have not given up on showering!  My hygiene is still intact and I haven't lost any friends!  :)

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