Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School!

Today was the first day of school! As of right now I have 7 students...however, that number may grow over time. Last year Kinder started with 9 and ended the school year with over 20...I suppose time will tell! Of course it makes photocopying a little challenging since I don't want to waste a bunch of paper, but also want to make sure I have enough of what I need.

Like most first days of anything, it's a little overwhelming. I wasn't sure what level they would be at with their English, lets put it this way...most of them can count to 10, know their colors and know most of the alphabet. We've got a long way to go! Especially since I'm supposed to teach only in makes it a little difficult when they don't know what I'm asking them to do! It also is a little difficult when the parents like to stick around...all day...peeking in the windows, sticking around for recess and snack. Hopefully tomorrow they'll just drop them off and leave!

Also, on the first day of school they bring in their supplies for the year...yep...the year! The list of things they need to bring is about a page long. 3 rolls of paper towels, 2 reams of construction paper, 3 bottles of glue, 30 pencils, etc, etc, etc. All of which we had to count as they came in to class to make sure they weren't missing anything. So after counting everything, then we had to find a place to put it all...there are still some things that are homeless!

It was a hectic day, especially only having them from 8:00-11:00...they also have a 30 minute recess in there too. When they first got to class today they colored their flowers for the bulletin kind of looks sad with only 7 flowers! Maybe during recess I'll see if anyone wants to color another flower if it's raining...

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