Sunday, August 22, 2010

A rainy Sunday

For those of you who are familiar with the area...they are having some sort of celebration for the town and they have a ferris wheel and some other sort of ride. I wouldn't step foot on it for a million dollars! I'll try to get a picture tomorrow (if it ever stops raining...)

In other news...just a typical Sunday here in Honduras.

They don't have what we would consider a typical church schedule. The have different things going on throughout the week for different groups, much like in the States. Sundays however...they have Sunday school in the morning and then their regular service at night. I went to Sunday school this morning with Lucy, they all meet with whatever age group they're in then for the last part they all meet together. Each class has to do their Bible memory verse from the morning and then some do a little drama. Tonight I went to La Entrada with Wayne and Darla, where Wayne was preaching. It's a small group of people, most of them hitched a ride with us along the's about a 30 minutes drive (depending on pot holes and rain...) The ride in wasn't bad just a little sprinkle falling...the ride home that's a complete different story! Because of all the rain all the pot holes are filled and the road is all wet so you can't see where they are...we hit a few good ones! Then if anyone passed us, which happened frequently a huge amount of water would come splashing on the windshield and you can't see anything, you just have to pretty much stop and hope you don't get hit or hit something. And of course the air doesn't work in the old 15 passenger van so the defrost doesn't work either. Don't worry, most people are prepared with their handkerchiefs, paper towels, and old newspapers!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the first time I went to Honduras (Oct 08) and Pastor Ray was driving Carol, Morgan and me back to the airport on that road we take by the stadium. It had been raining for days, there was some flooding, and we hit a couple of pot hole whoppers! OUCH!
