Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy 1st of September!

Today the kids were crazy! They couldn't keep still and couldn't stop talking! We're trying to get into a routine, which is hard when there's a new student every day. I had 9 today, and a new girl starts tomorrow and I need to readjust some of the seating as well. I have found out that some of my quiet kids the first day have turned into quite the social butterflies! :) Here's a picture of some of my students...some couldn't be bothered with getting their picture taken, they had coloring to finish!
The precious little ninos!
I did some laundry today and had a visitor in the bodega with me! I know he's there, but every time he moved it scared me!
My new friend...I think I should name him...suggestions?


  1. Hmm......a name for creepy monster looking thing. Since he doesn't move a whole lot, how about "flash"? LOL! Not the best at naming.

  2. Stevie Wonder - That was your mom's suggestion. Mine is Smiley. Isn't he smiling?

  3. He's actually quite quick! haha and I think he actually is smiling! Another suggestion was Spike...looks like I'll have to do a drawing and let you know what I pick! :)
