Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pinatas and Fire!

Did that title get your attention? :)

This morning was a pretty low key day...hung out around the house most of the morning trying to organize some of my stuff, read a bit and watched some TV.

Then this afternoon rolled around and the fun began!

The small group that Lucy leads had a birthday party for one of the girls (Yesenia) in the group...pinata included! Sorry...I don't have any pictures of me beating the candy out of it! :) And also apparently they enjoy sneaking up on people and smashing cake in their face...I'm glad I'm the new person and they didn't include me in such festivities! haha

After the party and helping get ready for tonight we came home to get ready for the special youth church service that was going on tonight. Then quickly went back for the bonfire! Each discipleship group shared something and then the youth leader shared a bit as well. It was a really great night and as hot as it was today with the 90% humidity, thankfully there was a little breeze and it cooled down a little bit for the bonfire.

Once everything was finished at the church a bunch of people came over to celebrate Yesenia's birthday a little more (this pinata). And this should give most of you a good laugh...they really love to hear people speak English and what's even better than speaking...singing! Yep...they forced me to sing some random choruses they knew. And I showed Lucy the youth group song book I have from one of our mission trips so when I said I wasn't sure of some words she had me go dig the book out. I even tried to tell them I was tone didn't work. And then some of them tried to sing here's a pretty singing off key and a few Hondurans stuck in there that were trying to sing in English which most of them can hardly speak. :)


  1. Picture attachment plz! : ) So funny!!

  2. Sorry...I left my camera at the house. This has proved that I shouldn't leave home without it!
