Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm here!

I've been in Honduras since Tuesday and I'm trying to get all settled in...I think it's going to take a while! :)

The streets here all look the same, which make it quite interesting to find my way around! Thankfully the times that I've gone out I've gone with my roommate or I've recruited one of her younger sisters to go with me.

So much to tell you already and I don't know where to just a warning this first blog in Honduras might be pretty (VERY) jumbled!

I'm living with one of the other teachers from the school, her name is Lucy and she's the 1st grade teacher. She has a pretty good size casita on her parents property.   It's simple but nice. The water is off and on...which is extremely common and we have a bucket of water to bathe with and another bucket of water to flush the toilet with. I'm just glad this isn't a foreign concept to me as I've nearly perfected these skills while at the farm! :)  The following are just a few pictures of where I'm living...

My backyard...

My bed...

Living room...

Dining room...

TV with one English channel...

Bucket shower!
I've been able to visit some familiar faces...Pastora Gladys and Miss Lydia and also Dona Tina. Miss Lydia had her 82nd birthday Thursday and I was able to visit them for a bit...she's as spunky as ever! Tina is doing ok and recovering from her Dengue. Everyone says hello! :) And hopefully I'll be able to meet up with Reina this weekend, possibly Sunday. I can't wait to see her...its been over a year and a half!

I've been to La Entrada on the Copaneco bus (yep...rode the chicken bus!) AND rode in a little 3 wheel taxi (4 of us and the taxi driver!)...I need to find a picture because I don't think you can picture it!

I've also had the chance to go with Lucy to some different Church things. Wednesday we went to her small group from youth group that she helps with and last night we went to her small group with the young adults. And tonight the youth are having a bonfire if it doesn't doesn't look too promising out there! It's the rainy season here...which I was reminded of yesterday! We have a metal roof which makes the rain so much louder, and it was so loud I could hardly hear myself think! Carla (Lucy's sister) and I were supposed to meet Lucy so we headed out in the storm...about ankle deep in water with lightening crashing all around...not my idea of safety! Carla didn't seem to think anything of it...I on the other hand thought each step could be my last! haha

I'm sure there is a lot more to tell you from my few days I think of things I've forgotten I'll post them and as new things happen I'll post them as well!

Thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovin the new digs! And by the way, I can totally see you saying, "umm, shouldn't we go in out of the thunder and lightning?" Can't wait to see your next post!!
