Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is it Friday yet?

Its been a slow week.  Yesterday I thought it was Wednesday and today I was thinking there was only one more day until the weekend.  No such luck.

When I left my house this morning there was power…after my 10 minute walk to school I was looking forward to hitting the button on the fan and cooling off a little before classes started.  I hit the power button…and then any other button I could find on the fan until I realized the power was out.  That was the start to my day.  When the power is out at school it makes for a long day, especially if it’s a non gym day.  At least when there’s gym we get to go outside and run around for half an hour or so…but today we were in the dark classroom all day (other than snack and recess time).  I guess you get accustomed to being in the dark, the kids kept asking if we could turn the fan on…I had to remind them there was no power…Fernando wanted his baleada (flour tortilla with refried beans, cheese and crema) warmed up for snack…after I was confused why none of the buttons on the micro were working…I remembered there was no power…and when I needed to make copies for homework…Carolina reminded me there was no power…

The power did finally come back on at about 4:00PM, enough time to charge up my phone and computer and then the brownouts started.  Right now I’m typing up the post in Microsoft Word…there’s not enough power coming through the wires to keep my wireless router powered.  Next time there’s a burst of power I’ll post this.  Also, when there are brown outs the fan moves a little slower, the light is very dim and the TV turns off every few minutes (the remote doesn’t work so I tend to not get too comfy on the couch!  haha)

Ok…enough ranting about poor me with no power.  It’s really not that bad…just puts crinkles in the day.

Since I haven’t really blogged in the past few days here’s what I did…

Monday was laundry day…and drum roll please……………I took my first shower since I’ve been here!!!  Now, at this point you’re probably disgusted and thinking maybe I should just stay in Honduras forever…but in my house here there isn’t a functioning shower, there’s a bucket of water.  Which is fine.  However, Darla said while I was doing laundry I could use her shower…a real shower with water squirting from the shower head!  It wasn’t warm water, but I didn’t care.  I could have waited and used the other shower, but I was just excited about a shower and didn’t care if it was warm of cold!  So that was the highlight of my day!

Tuesday, Carlos, Lucy and I went to Casa Quemada to visit some people.  Carlos and Lucy have been visiting a few different families every Tuesday for a while now and I’ve recently joined them.  The purpose of the visits is to build relationships with people in the town and to disciple new Christians.

And today we had our small group meeting with some of the kids from the youth group.  We met for about an hour and a half today.  Luis led a devotional from Colossians 3:12…”Therefore, as God’s chosen people, hold and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience”.  After the devotional we played some games and then headed home…in the rain.  I’m glad I had my busted umbrella with me…it’s still functional…kind of!  :)

Tomorrow Wendi, a girl from the small group, is coming over.  I’m going to try to teach her some conversational English and she’s going to help me with my Spanish.  Hopefully the power comes back on soon so I can search for some help in teaching conversational English…

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