Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Soccer and relays...

The power is still on the fritz...I'm sorry for the lack of posting and the shortness of my posts!

However, I would just like you to paint a little picture in your head of this afternoons activities...

First of all we were supposed to go swimming, which I'm not really sure how that works since most of the people I've been hanging out with can't I'm pretty sure it was a blessing the pool down the road was closed!

Two of the small groups from the youth group met together today so the first part of the meeting William lead a devotional, then Yessenia lead some relay races...this is where you get to paint a picture in your mind!  So, of course I would have just loved to watch from the sidelines, but that wasn't an option.  So, the first relay we were split into two teams and had to run to mid-field of the soccer field and run back...amazingly my team won!  The next relay...the two teams stood in lines and the person had to hold the foot of the person infront of them.  Somehow I was the line leader....for a very short period of time!  After I failed my team the first two times I headed for the back of the line.  And then.....a soccer game!  I wasn't expecting to play...jeans and flip-flops are not the ideal wardrobe to be running around a field in Honduras!  I did manage to kick the ball a few times...and of course ran away from the ball a few times as well (especially from the guys wearing cleats!).  Thankfully the thunder and lightening were getting extremely close and we had to call it quits early!  :)

Sorry for the lack of pictures...maybe next time they try to force me to play their games I'll use the excuse that I need to take pictures!  :)


  1. Haha!! Love the "picture".....and btw, yesterday our a/c went out and it was easily 90+ in our house. My sister asked me "are you doing some extreme Honduras training?" Figured you'd get a kick out of that.

  2. your Honduras training! I hope you at least had a fan or two! The powers been out a lot no fans or way to charge my cell phone or camera's back on right now so I better take advantage and plug everything in!!! :)
