Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School!

Today was the first day of school! As of right now I have 7 students...however, that number may grow over time. Last year Kinder started with 9 and ended the school year with over 20...I suppose time will tell! Of course it makes photocopying a little challenging since I don't want to waste a bunch of paper, but also want to make sure I have enough of what I need.

Like most first days of anything, it's a little overwhelming. I wasn't sure what level they would be at with their English, lets put it this way...most of them can count to 10, know their colors and know most of the alphabet. We've got a long way to go! Especially since I'm supposed to teach only in makes it a little difficult when they don't know what I'm asking them to do! It also is a little difficult when the parents like to stick around...all day...peeking in the windows, sticking around for recess and snack. Hopefully tomorrow they'll just drop them off and leave!

Also, on the first day of school they bring in their supplies for the year...yep...the year! The list of things they need to bring is about a page long. 3 rolls of paper towels, 2 reams of construction paper, 3 bottles of glue, 30 pencils, etc, etc, etc. All of which we had to count as they came in to class to make sure they weren't missing anything. So after counting everything, then we had to find a place to put it all...there are still some things that are homeless!

It was a hectic day, especially only having them from 8:00-11:00...they also have a 30 minute recess in there too. When they first got to class today they colored their flowers for the bulletin kind of looks sad with only 7 flowers! Maybe during recess I'll see if anyone wants to color another flower if it's raining...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wilmer's B-Day!

Today we celebrated Wilmer's birthday...he's in Lucy's small group from the youth group.  We didn't have a cake today (we'll have it Wednesday...) so instead we had crackers with I think it was condensed milk (or evaporated?)

Decorations by Yesenia

Wilmer with the soda and crackers!

Power was out...but now I'm back!

The power has been out since Thursday evening...except for the 20 minutes it was on last night.  Thankfully just enough time to charge my cell phone since it was dead!

We've had quite a bit of rain...which makes getting from point A to point B interesting.  It's about a 10 minute walk to school and also the church...the rain makes it seem like a much longer walk!

I feel like I have so much more to update you on...I'll have to look through my journal and see what else has been going on...

Anyway...the past few days have  been pretty much the same so not too much to update you all on.  My classroom is pretty much ready for tomorrow!  :)  Maybe I'll just hang a few more posters and I need to work on my lesson plans then I'll be good to go!

Right now I only have 5 students...some people like to wait til the last minute to matriculate...We'll see how many I have tomorrow!
First art project...they'll make some flowers and we'll watch our garden grow!

And a closing picture...
A Honduran breakfast of champions!  haha

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Laundry Day!

And I am so thankful that Wayne and Darla have a washing machine AND dryer!!! The washing machine takes a little getting used to...turning on a pump from the pila (think big concrete sink outside...) that goes to a hose the bodega (storage building...) which then you turn on and put in the washer until it's filled to about 3 inches from the top of the cylinder. Then let it run and it stops at the rinse cycle and repeat the first steps to fill it up once again with water and let it finish. The dryer is step by steps needed! 
Today we also went to one of the vocational schools around the corner for their science fair. They had their classrooms set up with all different are a few pictures from the fair...

Burning newspaper...

Apparently that's how you make homemade shoe polish!

Lily getting her blood tested at one of the booths to see what type she has...

The majority of my day was really spent at school trying to get my door decorated...which means tracing boarders, tracing letters from the overhead since apparently patterns are virtually nonexistent, oh yes...and of course if the projector is involved that usage depends on if there's actually electricity.  If the power fails it really puts a wrench in the plans!  So tomorrow back to cleaning up and decorating my room...I'll take some pictures of the room to update you on the progress of it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nothing like a steaming bowl of soup when it feels like 105!  :)

My Classroom!

We started the day with teacher orientation and I met all of the other teachers and Darla went over some of the rules, the teacher handbook, etc...then off to the classrooms.  My classroom is great!  It has an area for playing/reading/circle time and an area for desks.  There's a little counter that divides the room.  I still have a lot to do, but at least I'm in my room and can take the week to organize it and clean!  Below are some preliminary pictures...once I actually get it looking functional I'll put some more pictures up.  :)

A few books...I cleaned them up a bit...they're kind of grimy...

Play area/Circle time area

My crowded desks...still figuring out where to put them...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A rainy Sunday

For those of you who are familiar with the area...they are having some sort of celebration for the town and they have a ferris wheel and some other sort of ride. I wouldn't step foot on it for a million dollars! I'll try to get a picture tomorrow (if it ever stops raining...)

In other news...just a typical Sunday here in Honduras.

They don't have what we would consider a typical church schedule. The have different things going on throughout the week for different groups, much like in the States. Sundays however...they have Sunday school in the morning and then their regular service at night. I went to Sunday school this morning with Lucy, they all meet with whatever age group they're in then for the last part they all meet together. Each class has to do their Bible memory verse from the morning and then some do a little drama. Tonight I went to La Entrada with Wayne and Darla, where Wayne was preaching. It's a small group of people, most of them hitched a ride with us along the's about a 30 minutes drive (depending on pot holes and rain...) The ride in wasn't bad just a little sprinkle falling...the ride home that's a complete different story! Because of all the rain all the pot holes are filled and the road is all wet so you can't see where they are...we hit a few good ones! Then if anyone passed us, which happened frequently a huge amount of water would come splashing on the windshield and you can't see anything, you just have to pretty much stop and hope you don't get hit or hit something. And of course the air doesn't work in the old 15 passenger van so the defrost doesn't work either. Don't worry, most people are prepared with their handkerchiefs, paper towels, and old newspapers!

Pinatas and Fire!

Did that title get your attention? :)

This morning was a pretty low key day...hung out around the house most of the morning trying to organize some of my stuff, read a bit and watched some TV.

Then this afternoon rolled around and the fun began!

The small group that Lucy leads had a birthday party for one of the girls (Yesenia) in the group...pinata included! Sorry...I don't have any pictures of me beating the candy out of it! :) And also apparently they enjoy sneaking up on people and smashing cake in their face...I'm glad I'm the new person and they didn't include me in such festivities! haha

After the party and helping get ready for tonight we came home to get ready for the special youth church service that was going on tonight. Then quickly went back for the bonfire! Each discipleship group shared something and then the youth leader shared a bit as well. It was a really great night and as hot as it was today with the 90% humidity, thankfully there was a little breeze and it cooled down a little bit for the bonfire.

Once everything was finished at the church a bunch of people came over to celebrate Yesenia's birthday a little more (this pinata). And this should give most of you a good laugh...they really love to hear people speak English and what's even better than speaking...singing! Yep...they forced me to sing some random choruses they knew. And I showed Lucy the youth group song book I have from one of our mission trips so when I said I wasn't sure of some words she had me go dig the book out. I even tried to tell them I was tone didn't work. And then some of them tried to sing here's a pretty singing off key and a few Hondurans stuck in there that were trying to sing in English which most of them can hardly speak. :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm here!

I've been in Honduras since Tuesday and I'm trying to get all settled in...I think it's going to take a while! :)

The streets here all look the same, which make it quite interesting to find my way around! Thankfully the times that I've gone out I've gone with my roommate or I've recruited one of her younger sisters to go with me.

So much to tell you already and I don't know where to just a warning this first blog in Honduras might be pretty (VERY) jumbled!

I'm living with one of the other teachers from the school, her name is Lucy and she's the 1st grade teacher. She has a pretty good size casita on her parents property.   It's simple but nice. The water is off and on...which is extremely common and we have a bucket of water to bathe with and another bucket of water to flush the toilet with. I'm just glad this isn't a foreign concept to me as I've nearly perfected these skills while at the farm! :)  The following are just a few pictures of where I'm living...

My backyard...

My bed...

Living room...

Dining room...

TV with one English channel...

Bucket shower!
I've been able to visit some familiar faces...Pastora Gladys and Miss Lydia and also Dona Tina. Miss Lydia had her 82nd birthday Thursday and I was able to visit them for a bit...she's as spunky as ever! Tina is doing ok and recovering from her Dengue. Everyone says hello! :) And hopefully I'll be able to meet up with Reina this weekend, possibly Sunday. I can't wait to see her...its been over a year and a half!

I've been to La Entrada on the Copaneco bus (yep...rode the chicken bus!) AND rode in a little 3 wheel taxi (4 of us and the taxi driver!)...I need to find a picture because I don't think you can picture it!

I've also had the chance to go with Lucy to some different Church things. Wednesday we went to her small group from youth group that she helps with and last night we went to her small group with the young adults. And tonight the youth are having a bonfire if it doesn't doesn't look too promising out there! It's the rainy season here...which I was reminded of yesterday! We have a metal roof which makes the rain so much louder, and it was so loud I could hardly hear myself think! Carla (Lucy's sister) and I were supposed to meet Lucy so we headed out in the storm...about ankle deep in water with lightening crashing all around...not my idea of safety! Carla didn't seem to think anything of it...I on the other hand thought each step could be my last! haha

I'm sure there is a lot more to tell you from my few days I think of things I've forgotten I'll post them and as new things happen I'll post them as well!

Thanks for reading! :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's August!

Which means...I'm going to Honduras this month! :) Today was my last Sunday at church since I'll be going away for vacation and family time and then I leave! This month is my month of lasts...last Sunday at church, Wednesday will be my last night working with the youth group, then there will be last days of hanging out with friends and family, my last trip to Target, my last american meal...hahaha

But...I'm excited for all of the first that I'll have and can't wait to share those with you as well! :)