Tuesday, January 8, 2013

On the road again...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...(continue singing along in your head if you'd like :)

I'll be flying out tomorrow morning at 6:05 AM and making a connection in Atlanta and then finally in my dear warm Honduras around noon!  :)  It's kind of a tight connection-pray all flights are on time...or at least my flight from Albany, the one from Atlanta can have a slight delay.

Please be praying as I travel...I'll be traveling with some of my wedding stuff and would love for it all to arrive undamaged.  My dress is taking up one of my carry-ons and my other carry-on is full of invitations, fake flowers, ribbon, my big puffy slip for my wedding dress...with of course my laptop and all other important stuff squished in there!

It was a nice few weeks here in the States (even if I did feel like I was freezing to death at certain points), I am also so excited to get back to Honduras to see my fiance, my friends, my church family, and of course my precious little students!  :)

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