Thursday, January 10, 2013

Home Sweet Home

It's so good to be back!  After a looooong day of travel yesterday it was so nice to get off the plane and into the warm Honduran weather!  :)  All of my luggage arrived undamaged, I also successfully transported my wedding dress, invitations and other decorations...that in my books is cause for celebration! I think I'll break out my chocolate orange that was in my stocking!  :)

Today I got to see all my little angels, I missed them so much!  I can't believe we're just about half-way through the school year...time sure does fly.  Soon we'll start preparing for the kinder/prepa graduation, is there a way to slow time down?

After school I came home and cleaned the house and relaxed for a bit then some of Carlos' cousins came by for a visit.  I feel like I haven't seen people in such a long time, I was gone for 3 and a half weeks, but it felt so much longer!  After a while some of the girls went to play soccer on the field here at the camp and a few stuck around and we chatted and made pizza!  Everyone here is always so impressed that I can make homemade pizza dough...of course once they realize how easy it is and most of the ingredients  they can get at the local pulperia, it's not as impressive!  :)

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