Thursday, January 17, 2013

Change and Fees

Today at school I was asked to help with the sixth grade...remember...I'm a kindergarten teacher!  They want some extra help with grammar and reading...not sure if I've mentioned this, but grammar makes me a little nervous.  Yes, I speak English without problems, but when it comes to teaching grammar, parts of speech, rules, blah, blah, makes me nervous!  Please be praying for me as I study and brush up on my grammar.  I'll be teaching one sixth grade class before my usual kindergarten class and then also once I'm done with kindergarten, back over to sixth grade to finish up the day.

Also, a prayer request...I found out yesterday there is a fee to pay for getting married.  This fee is placed on foreigners and the cost depends on the distance from where you're coming from....i.e. if you're from Europe it's one fee, Africa another, Mexico, Canada, United States, another.  I spoke with someone yesterday and she said the usual fee is between 13,000 and 15,000 Lempiras for someoned from the USA (between $650 and $750), she is going to try to see if she can get this fee reduced...pray that it be reduced drastically!

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