Thursday, January 13, 2011

Relax Popular

I bought my bed today...a nice little Relax Popular for 180 US dollars!  :)  This may not seem like a huge deal for those of you that live in the States, but here it is!  First I had to get a few prices from surrounding towns (slightly difficult without a car), so I had to rely on others, then had to rely on descriptions of beds via phone calls (is it foamy, springy, etc...), and then the store that sells mattresses here is always closed when I walk by (they're always on their lunch break when I'm leaving school).  Today I stopped by two times, third time was a charm!  But my journey didn't stop there...I had to get some American dollars changed to Honduran Lempiras because it was going to be a better rate, go back to the store and then......found out the bed I wanted wasn't in stock and wont be in til tomorrow.

So, my bed is bought and will be delivered tomorrow!  Hopefully before I leave for the city to go to my dentist appointment!

But at least I can rest assured I'll have a bed this weekend!  How exciting?!?!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The ants go marching...

Something I forgot about while in the States...getting bit by ants and mosquitoes..don't worry they've given me a welcome back to Honduras.  These little buggers just kind of sneak up on your and before you know it you've been bit!  And these ants, they call them crazy ants...they're small and are everywhere and I'm not sure if they call them crazy ants because they scurry around with no purpose as if they're crazy, or if they're called crazy ants because they drive you crazy!!!  Thankfully the bite of the ants doesn't bother you for long, it hurts for a few minutes then it's gone.  The mosquitoes on the other hand, they leave their mark for a while...and the buzzing sound is annoying, but at least you know something is going to attack you and you can run for cover!

Speaking of ants...I'm moving!  :)  I'll be moving into my new house this week (the exact day will depend on when I actually get a bed...everything is a project in Honduras and this is no different)!  And why did this make me think of ants, house has some ants.  I only saw a few of them the other day when I stopped by to see if it was ready, but these ants were HUGE...think of an ant on steroids!  They call them zompopos...I googled about them, but decided not knowing a lot about bugs is a better option for me!

Pictures of the new house coming soon!  :)

Monday, January 3, 2011


And no I'm not talking about Miami International Airport...

I've been absent from the blog lately...mostly because it doesn't seem as interesting blogging from the USA...

But for those of you who might find some interest in what I've been doing, here's a little recap of my time in the States so far...

I got to hang out with people and eat LOTS of food (it's a good thing I wont be back in the States for 6 months  hahaha)!

I celebrated Christmas with the fam...the morning with my dad and Judy and the afternoon vertually everyone from my mom's side of the was crazy, loud, and great to see everyone.

New Year's...went to a crazy party!  Just kidding!  haha  I went to the country club for dinner with my mom, Uncle Bob and Aunt Cathy.  It was delicious and we were home by 10...we stayed up to see the ball drop and then straight to bed!

My sister also had her wedding reception!  It was fun and pretty and nice to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while and wont see for while.

And this week...I'm spending time packing up my bags...of course this will only happen when I decide to stop procrastinating (yes...I'm writing this blog because I'm procrastinating on my packing...).  I have two suitcases that can only be 50 lbs each, and my carry-on 40lbs.  While 140 lbs of stuff might seem like a lot...things really add up quickly!  I have a huge pile sitting on my bedroom floor...I'm kind of hoping it will jump in the suitcases by itself...pretty sure that actually wont happen!  :)  Also to fill up my time, I'm sure I'll spend some time picking up last minute things from Target (it's the store I miss the most in Honduras!) and also last minute lunches and coffee dates (it's definitely not about the here is terrible!!!!) with some of the people I'll miss (I'm sad I wont be able to spend time with all the people I'll miss...)