Saturday, November 20, 2010

Puddle jumping...or falling in puddles...

It rained for 2 days straight.  It's not exactly a dream land here in Honduras when it rains you see, just about every road is dirt and I know my blog readers are smart and know that water and dirt make....MUD!  So the past few days I've been dodging puddles, getting my flip flops stuck in mud and just being in a state of wetness.

Thursday night I was heading up to the camp ground for a ladies get together...first of all it was raining cats and dogs and I think it's a 10 minute walk there (it seemed much longer than that...) and when we got there, Karla remembered that we were supposed to bring the soda...that was back at the house.  Thankfully she knew someone close by with a he graciously gave us a ride back and forth.  Well, when we got up to the campground, we were meeting at the pavilion...just a cement slab with a roof over it.  I noticed the puddles on the cement (and I think you know where this is going...) and in my head I was thinking, "ok Jen, be careful!" sooner do I step on the cement and go gliding across this puddle, which resulted in me sitting in a puddle.  I was soaked...and sat in my wet clothes for 3 hours during our little reunion.  Ok, I'm done complaining about the rain because...

If there wasn't rain, I wouldn't have gotten these cute pictures...

Two of the boys from Kinder were having fun walking around with our umbrellas after school.

Lily (Kinder teacher) and Carolina (My assistant) with the boys

1 comment:

  1. Love the snazzy umbrella's! : ) and yes, I agree. I am glad you got these pics!
