Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just call me Chef Hen!

On Sunday afternoon I learned how to cook!  (For those of you who may have fallen off your chairs...you can get back up!)  :)

Carolina (my teaching assistant) picked me up (ok, stopped by to walk with me...) and headed over to Lily's (the kinder teacher) for a cooking lesson!  Our mission...to make pupusas, baleadas, and chimol...now let me define what those things are.  Pupusas are corn tortiallas stuffed with an assortment of things, traditionally either cheese, beans, meat or loroco (loroco is some sort of flower bud that people eat).  Baleadas are flour tortillas with refried beans, cheese and crema...at least that's what a traditional baleada is...our baleadas were just beans and avacado (why the non traditional route?...because I prefer just the beans and avacado).  Last but not least...the chimol...pretty much the salsa of Honduras, finely chopped tomatoes, green peppers, onions, cilantro, lime juice and seasoning if you choose...

I should also mention that I ruined the first batch of dough for the flour tortillas...Lily's mom said my hands are too hot and I cooked the dough while mixing it.  Now, I assure you my hands are not that hot!  I think I was sabotaged by the warm butter Lily put in!  So Lily's mom mixed up a new batch...my hands stayed far away from it...and then we were in the tortilla making business!

And now for the fun part...pictures!  :)

Mixing the masa (for corn tortillas...)

Perfect consistency!

Loroco...the flower buds used in cooking

Where the cooking took place...I want one!

Carolina filling up the first pupusa...

Cooking away...

Lily making a pupusa (she cheated and didn't make them by hand...)

Pupusas hot off the stove!

Me attempting to make a flour tortilla...

Our mountain of flour tortillas!

The delicious finished product!

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