Monday, November 1, 2010

Brace Yourself!

On Friday I took a trip into the city and started to process of getting braces!

Yep...BRACES!  I only have them on my top teeth as of right now, and my next appointment is November 27th and I'll get the rest of them put on.  I really can't imagine how much pain I would be in if I have all of the braces put on at the same time...are you tired of my complaining yet?

I didn't think they would actually put them on that day, I thought it would be more of just a consult.  Well they took the molds of my mouth and I gagged only about a million times and it tasted disgusting, then he was all, ok, well...let me get the things (yes, he said things...I don't think he could think of the word in English...) and we'll get started.  Oh!  And he spoke English (well...maybe I should say he studied English...) which was quite helpful since I'm not current with my orthodontic Spanish phrases!  Haha

I'll upload a picture soon of the braces I have so far...I want to make sure my teeth are nice and clean and free of debris before I take a nice close up for you!  HAHA

1 comment:

  1. I got a glimpse of them, for the 2 seconds that skype actually worked and could "see" you! LOL! Have to say, they look pretty clean to me, but it was a bit blurry. I could have been mistaken!
