Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rainy season?

Last night I couldn't sleep...(I probably shouldn't have taken an afternoon I blame it on myself.)  So Midnight rolled in...along with a HUGE storm!  There was rain, thunder, lightening and one point I honestly thought the roof was going to flying off.  I was just laying in bed at first covering my ears because the rain on my metal roof was SO loud...and then it got louder and louder and louder and then I started feeling the rain.  Yes.  In my bed.  I was getting misted on!  That's how rainy and windy it was.  At that point there was no way I could sleep so I got up and went to the living room where I was greeted by a huge puddle, well two puddles.  One from a little hole in the roof and the other from the water running in from under the door, so I went and got my mop and started mopping and ended up mopping my entire house...yes, there was that much water.  The rain and the mopping ended about 12:45 and I was off to bed...

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