Sunday, December 12, 2010

School Christmas Program #1

Today we had a Christmas program at the hospital's really had to even imagine it's Christmas when it's scorching hot out!  Anyway...we've been practicing so hard the past few weeks to learn the songs and the kids did AWESOME!  Not a lot of the 4 and 5 year olds showed up, but the ones that did sang their little hearts out!

And now a few pictures from the day...

Ready to get the show on the road!

2nd grade singing...

BAKING in the sun...first time I've ever been sunburned in December!

Part of the 5th grade drama...

Kinder and Prepa singing!  :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

La Entrada

Today after school Lily, Carolina and I hopped a bus to La Entrada...I guess about half an hour on the bus...

Lily decided to take a little nap...until she saw my camera go off!
Not sure if you can tell what this's the floor of the bus...but from my seat I could see the road...

The market place...
One of the more odd sightings of the day were these...
They say they're not painted...I don't believe them...
UPDATE:  I googled about these little chicks...and found out they are born this don't believe me do you?  Well, before they are hatched a needle is stuck in the egg with harmless vegetable dye and then viola...colored chick!  (P.S.-- I really don't have a formed opinion on whether chicks should be dyed or not, I just had never seen colored chicks before and thought it was unusual so I took a picture!)

And just because I don't feel like devoting a whole post to bug bites...I'll throw this picture in from last night...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I am FREEZING!  While I know all of you up north are in deed much colder, I am still freezing.  So, what's the temperature you ask? the 70's.  But it's damp so it feels much, much colder!

So in honor of this cold weather, we've put up a new bulletin board in the classroom!

And also a few pictures of the children...
I'm not the only one who is cold!
The boy in the red sweatshirt...Fernando...he can't sit still!
We've also been practicing for our Christmas program coming up this weekend.  We'll be going over to the hospital to put on a little show.  The Kinder and Prepa have been working together learning the are some pictures from our practice today...

here's a little video of our practice you think we're ready?  HAHA  (UGH...I couldn't upload the video...I'll try again later...)