Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February Update

Last time I wrote I thought were were going to need to build an ark.  I'm happy to report the sun is out and summer is creeping in...summer here starts about March!  There are two things that are AMAZING about the summer here, one being that clothes dry in record time which is a huge blessing since I don't have a dryer and the best part about summer...I'm getting married to the most amazing guy in the world!  :)

Ok, back to my update...

For two weeks in January the crew from Cristo Salva was here ministering in Honduras.  It's always a blessing for me when they come.  It means speaking English...something that I miss from time to time...and it's always like a big ol' family reunion....lots of hugs and reminiscing about past trips and updating each other about what's going on in our lives.  Since I teach in the morning and have different ministry obligations at the church I don't always have too much time to spend with the teams, but the little time I do have with them is precious.

It was also a great joy to have Celia (hi Stinky!!!) here for a week and spend time with here.  I could go on and on about what a blessing it was having here here and how I wish she could come down more frequently...but if I do that, I may just start to cry.  But I will say one thing that I absolutely loved was the times that I was able to spend with her and my Honduran friends together.  Not many of you from the States know my friends here and haven't had the opportunity to share time together, but it's a blessing.  Having people from the States getting to know my life here in Honduras and the people I love and care about here really is a blessing.  Maybe the language isn't the same and sometimes the words are mixed up, but friendship and laughter is a universal thing.  Thanks Stinky for sharing your time with us!

I look forward to my next Cristo Salva family reunion in April!

I've also been busy with school...time sure does fly by!!!  I can't believe that graduation will be here in just a few months!  I need to start making decorations, organizing photos, practicing songs...etc, etc, etc!  In addition to my Kindergarten class I've also started teaching 6th grade grammar and reading...have I ever mentioned how much I hate grammar?  Probably due to the fact that I am clueless about grammar.  So this too is a blessing...I may not like grammar, but not only are the kids learning, but I'm learning as well!

And not to mention, I'm getting married in 67 days!!!  :)

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