Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chicken soup in the future?

(This post apparently never's from wayyyyyyyyy back in March!)

Ok, probably not...but hey, one never knows!

Let me explain...

I was sitting at my kitchen table today tutoring a girl in English (yes, I finally have a paying job...200 Lempiras a week!  About $10.50...) She comes over Tuesdays and Wednesday for an hour and a half each day. we're sitting at the table and out of the corner of my eye I see something white...I assumed it was a grocery bag that had floated off my counter.  Well, then it started to move a little more and I took a good was a chicken!  I don't even own chickens and don't know how they would even get in my yard...I keep my gate closed and locked at all times.  So I jumped up scuffing my feet and making a shoeing noise...I think I must have startled the girl and her mom!

I'll try to get a picture of my unwelcomed house guest...(I need to charge the camera batteries...)  Oh, and there isn't just one chicken  (Never got the picture....)

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