Monday, September 12, 2011

Children's Day

This past Friday we took the second part of our class time to celebrate Children's Day!  :)  Here are some pictures from the festivities...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

And now for an update...

Two posts in one day, I'm sure you're shocked!  Ok...I guess the other post doesn't count because it's from way back in March...not sure why it never posted... has been a pretty busy few days.  We started school on Thursday!  I think I was probably just as nervous as the kids...but didn't quite show it how they did!  I teach the 5 year old Kindergarten class and the first few days of school are rough, there's no other way to put it.  The first day I think at least half the class was crying at one point or another (don't worry kids, I wanted to cry too!), I also had one girl bite another girl (her seat was changed quickly and situated so she's not in biting range of anyone else) and I should have just thrown my first day of class plans out the window.  Well...I did get most everything done in my plan book, just not the order or method that was originally planned.  The second day of school was a little bit better...there wasn't as much crying, but still tears were shed, no biting!  YAY!...however the little boy throwing up in front of my desk...I could have dealt without.

Today I headed back to school...yes...I was back at school during the weekend.  Lucy and I needed to get a start on organizing the library.  It looks better...but still is lacking organization.  I know how to classify books for the age group I teach, but the older kids I don't know what books should be organized for the different grade levels....that's the next challenge.  Celia...if you're reading, I need your librarian expertise...can't you just hop on a plane and help me!!!

Chicken soup in the future?

(This post apparently never's from wayyyyyyyyy back in March!)

Ok, probably not...but hey, one never knows!

Let me explain...

I was sitting at my kitchen table today tutoring a girl in English (yes, I finally have a paying job...200 Lempiras a week!  About $10.50...) She comes over Tuesdays and Wednesday for an hour and a half each day. we're sitting at the table and out of the corner of my eye I see something white...I assumed it was a grocery bag that had floated off my counter.  Well, then it started to move a little more and I took a good was a chicken!  I don't even own chickens and don't know how they would even get in my yard...I keep my gate closed and locked at all times.  So I jumped up scuffing my feet and making a shoeing noise...I think I must have startled the girl and her mom!

I'll try to get a picture of my unwelcomed house guest...(I need to charge the camera batteries...)  Oh, and there isn't just one chicken  (Never got the picture....)