Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Down on the corner, out in the street...

The bad thing about being on a corner lot...you can't wash your clothes or burn your trash in peace.  Now I'm sure if you're just another Honduran you may not encounter this problem...but being the white north american...it makes for entertainment.  Without fail, if I am out doing laundry or raking or burning trash...people stop and watch.  If you've ever wondered what an animal in a zoo feels like...just head to your closest third world country where you're a minority and stand on one side of a fence.  People will be sure to watch you...

Some are brave enough to ask questions...you know like:  Why don't you have someone wash your clothes for you?  Can you burn things in your yard in the States?  Wow..you actually know how to rake?  And then there are the times that they just stand there laughing...

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