Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oh the things I learn...

Sometimes I hear things and I just want to laugh...and try not to offend others.

One of my friends told me the other day I had to wait and wash the dishes, which I was pretty confused about since we were just waiting around for something to finish cooking.  I thought I'd get a jump on the dishes we had already dirtied.  You ask why I had to wait...because my hands were hot (from cooking tortillas) and if you put your hands in cold water when your hands are hot...something terrible happens.  I don't know what terrible thing happens, but it just isn't good.  I washed the dishes anyway, and my hands are fine.

Another thing you want to avoid is eating something hot and drinking something cold during the same meal.  It will ruin your teeth.  Now I suppose if you have extreme tooth sensitivity then you might not want to mix the hot and cold, but as far as I know your teeth wont fall out or become damaged if you do.  Along with the subject of cold drinks, make sure if you have a cough, a cold, a sore throat, a tickle in your throat...DO NOT drink anything cold!  It will just make you even more sick!

And the next thing...if you eat something you need to drink something.  I ate a baleada the other day without a drink...they said I would become empachada.  Now I'm not exactly sure what that means, but from the descriptions I've been given it's when your stomach is stuck with food.  Don't you worry, I am alive and well after eating my baleada without a drink.

The list goes on an on about common superstitions...

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