Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Darwin and Jayson

I know, I know...its been a few days since my last update.  I've been keeping busy this past week with the crew from Cristo Salva.  In the mornings I've been working at the school and then after school joining with Cristo Salva in whatever ministry they're doing.  

Probably my highlight of the week was just this past Sunday with a routine stop at Cafe Rey...

On Sunday we stopped by Cafe Rey for our usual cup of coffee and snacks.  When we arrived there were two boys selling hammocks, just kind of hanging around the restaurant.  We went up to them and asked if they wanted anything to eat...and of course they did!  :)  So we brought them up to the counter to order and Johnny, the restaurant owner served them up two big plates of food.  Since it's a normal stop for us, I know the normal size of the servings of food...there must have been at least three times the amount of food on each plate.  Their eyes just glimmered when they saw the big plates of food in front of them!  And I'm thankful for Johnny and his generosity as well!  The boys ate their fill and then them wrap up their leftovers to bring home.  We talked with the boys as they enjoyed their yucca and chicharron (fried pig skin) and we enjoyed our coffee.  They told us about their lives, their grandmother makes the hammocks and they go out and sell them for her...they need to sell two a day.  Two people from our group bought hammocks from them, it was a good day at work for them!  :)  Their names were Darwin and Jayson, Darwin is 12 and Jayson 13 and they are cousins.  Jayson is still in school, he's in the 5th grade, Darwin stopped going when he got up to the 4th grade.

Carol had me translate for her and she wanted me to tell them that God sent us to the coffee shop that day so we would meet them.  Darwin smiled big and said he knew that God sent us, they were just about the leave when we asked if they wanted something to eat.  Before we parted ways we asked if we could pray for them and with that same big smile Darwin said he would love that and we gathered around those two boys and prayed for them. 

Darwin had a little red string that he had the hammocks strung together with...after playing with the rope for a while he broke it into a few little pieces.  He tied one of the pieces to my watch...I still have it tied there.  It will serve as a reminder to pray for them, and those around the country who will struggle to sell hammocks, struggle to find food and struggle to live.

Maybe I'll never see them again, but they've made an impact on my life.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Today is a lazy Saturday.  Lucy went off to San Marco to teach English and I have the house to myself...well...kind of to myself.  The door is open so I have different visitors that stop by to say hello.

For some reason this weekend seems to be going by very slowly, which you would think would be a good thing, but you see, I can't wait for Monday to come!  There's a team coming down from the States and I can't wait to see them!  It's been over a year and  a half since I've seen most of them!!!  Thankfully Monday is a holiday so we don't have school, which means I can head to the city and greet them at the airport!  :)  It's going to be like Christmas in October...seeing some of my favorite people, getting a new laptop ( computer is still freaking out from when I dropped it on the someone is bringing a replacement...), and other random stuff being brought from the states!  :)

And just because I think pictures add a little color to my's my lunch!

Rice, beans and...bananas (green boiled ones of course)!
Oh!  I thought I'd tell you a funny little thing...or at least I think you'll think it's funny!  The other day someone shook my hand and commented on how soft my hands were.  Then they concluded that my hands are so soft because I don't work.  I do work...just not frequent manual labor!  :)

 Ok, I know you were probably hoping for a more interesting blog after my week long hiatus...sorry!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bad news...

I dropped my laptop on the lovely tile floor today.  The end result...I think I messed up my hard drive and my computer isn't functioning.  What this all means...I don't have the world wide web at my finger tips...and I can't update my blog frequently.  I actually probably wont get it fixed until I get back to the States for my Christmas break...December all of a sudden seems pretty far away.  My sweet roommate is kind enough to let me use her computer to check my e-mail and whatnot, but I don't want to be a pain, so I'll be limiting my time online.  I will hopefully have a solution in the next few weeks, but until then...sorry in advance for the lack of blogging.