Wednesday, August 10, 2011


My attempt at a blog update that is!  Just thought I'd let you all know (all 3 of you that actually might read this!  haha), that I made it safely to Honduras!  I'm getting settled into the new I loved my old house here, it had character and perks...but to look up and see a ceiling...words just can't express the joy!  Ok, maybe that was a little dramatic...but having a ceiling means less bugs!  :)

I'm super tired from my day of travel.  3 hours of sleep last night and a few little snoozes on the plane is not a sufficient amount of sleep!  I'll take some pictures tomorrow around the house...and if you're lucky I'll even post them!  Or hold you all in suspense...

At least I can sleep on the plane...

Wake up calls at 3:00 AM are the WORST!  Especially when you don't fall asleep til after midnight.

But here I am, at the airport waiting for my 6:15 flight out of Hartford.  Next stop...ATL!  I am so thankful for curbside check in...I didn't have to haul my crazy amount of luggage too far!  My suitcases weighing in at 50 lbs each on the dot and my carry took full advantage of the 40 lb limit! 

I'll have about an hour and a half in Atlanta and then on to HONDURAS!  :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm a tia!!!

Baby Sophia...7lb 10oz, 19.5in!
More pictures to come!!!  :)